In commemoration of International Day for the Conservation of Mangroves, celebrated on July 26, the National Directorate of the Environment - Ministry of the Environment, in partnership with the OTCHIVA Association, organized the first methodological training cycle on "Mangrove Conservation" on July 16, 19, 22, and 26 in the provinces of Cabinda, Zaire, Bengo, and Luanda.

The seminars, under the theme "Mangroves as a source of income and subsistence for coastal communities in Angola," aimed to promote awareness, strengthen partnerships, and define future actions for mangrove conservation in Angola.

According to the National Director of the Environment, Sandra Nascimento, who spoke at the opening ceremony of the final day of this first seminar cycle on behalf of the Minister of the Environment, Ana Paula de Carvalho Pereira, the Government of Angola recognizes the importance of conserving the various existing natural ecosystems. This has become a prominent topic on the Political Agenda of the authorities, with particular emphasis on mangrove ecosystems. The government has implemented policies and strategies for their conservation, positively impacting the fight against climate change, hunger, and poverty.

The training, aimed at communities, students, and others, covered topics such as the location of mangroves in Angola, their geological and morphological characterization, mangrove flora, and the diversity of fish, crustacean, and mollusk species in mangroves. This initiative is the result of research and expeditions conducted by the DNA and the OTCHIVA Association with the support of Provincial Governments.


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