Eco - Girl - Infant Art Challenge - Monumental effects of climate change on our oceans

 The Blue Dot” Art Challenge

It's an opportunity to captivate a global audience with reflections from the next generation.

Eco - Girl design by Fernanda, 13 years old 

About the challenge

Imagine the vastness of the ocean, the mesmerizing dance of marine life, the resilient stories of indigenous communities, and the undying call to preserve this blue wonder. Now, picture the voices of our children echoing their sentiments, dreams, and hopes through art, and making a resonant mark at none other than COP28. 

This initiative is not just a contest, but a platform for young visionaries under the age of 18 to manifest their perspectives on the monumental effects of climate change on our oceans.


For Fernanda  Eco-girl means a girl without plastic.

She offers reusable pads because they are durable and eco-friendly and have a positive impact on the environment.

Reusable cloth pads can be washed and reused for several years, reducing the amount of waste produced.


Ocean plastics are known to kill millions of marine animals every year. Nearly 700 species are affected by plastic pollution. Menstrual product waste is also a significant contributor to this plastic pollution that harms the ocean.

Microplastics are deadly when consumed by sea animals.

Both macro and microplastics are part of the majority of the sanitary pads that everyone uses. Regular single-use sanitary pads contain nearly 90% of plastics which would take 500-800 years to decompose and even when they do break down, they will just turn into microplastics.


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