BRIDGING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE - Happy international women's day

 Digital equity for all

Women and girls everywhere are demanding their rights - and their words reverberate around the world. Investing in women and girls is the surest way to uplift all people, all communities and all countries.

Discrimination against women in science & technology is the result of centuries of patriarchy, discrimination & damaging stereotypes. We need action to make sure women & girls can make their full contribution to the world’s knowledge & development.

Today, we celebrate the achievements of women across the globe, and we recognize the progress we have made toward gender equality. This year's theme is #EmbraceEquity, and it encourages us to reflect on how we can work towards a more just and equitable world for you and me. 

Our organization, will push forward and highlight innovative technology's role in promoting gender equality; Our action in empowering and supporting women and girls in tech will not be quenched. One by one, we believe we can DigitALL!

Leaving No One Behind in a Digital World

We need you, the game changers, to get creative in how we engage the most vulnerable—giving voices to those that would otherwise not have the same opportunity that you have.

Having a nice weekend class with children

Unfortunately, some pre-schools in Angola are open air and classes may take place under a tree, so when the weather is bad, classes are cancelled. This is the result of civil war that destroyed and looted many schools.

Globally, 263 million children between the ages of 6 and 17 are out of school, 61 million of which are of primary school age (6-11 years) *. More than half of the total figure live in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia. Girls with disabilities experience attacks and exploitation at much higher rates than other children. Both disability inclusion and gender equality are key factors in achieving including education as both gender and disability are significant factors of exclusion.


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